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5 Original Albums (2005年)
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登録されている11曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. How Long, 1. Humble Stance, 2. Climbing the Ladder, 3. Will It Be You? (Chapter Four), 3. The Perfectionist, 4. Give ’em the Money, 4. Ice Nice, 4. Tired World (Chapter Six), 4. Don't Be Late (Chapter Two), 4. What's It Gonna Be?, 4. Time to Go, 4. Compromise, 4. Too Much to Lose (Chapter Seven), 4. Help Me Out, 4. Someone Should, 4. Careful Where You Step, 4. On the Loose, 4. Time's Up, 4. Wind Him Up, 4. Amnesia, 4. Framed, 5. The Interview, 5. No Regrets (Chapter Five), 6. Conversations, 7. No Stranger (Chapter Eight), 7. Careful Where You Step, 7. Don’t Be Late, 7. Humble Stance, 7. Wind Him Up, 7. How Long, 7. No Regrets, 7. A Brief Case, 7. You’re Not Alone, 7. On the Loose, 7. Heaven Can Wait, 7. How Do You Feel?, 7. Welcome to the Zoo, 7. Where's My Money, 8. You’re Not Alone ’97, 9. Taxman, 10. You Were Made for Me, 10. Gonna Give It to Ya, 10. Fantastically Wrong, ....