80年代 | 90年代 | R | ドイツ | ドラマティック | メロスピ/クサメタル | メロディック | 叙情/哀愁RUNNING WILD
Riding the Storm: The Very Best of the Noise Years 1983–1995 (2016年)
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登録されている2曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Victim of States Power, 1. Genghis Khan, 1. Prisoner of Our Time, 1. Walpurgis Night, 1. Fight the Oppression, 1. Chains and Leather, 1. Under Jolly Roger, 1. Beggar’s Night, 1. Diamonds of the Black Chest, 1. Raw Ride, 1. Intro / Port Royal, 1. Uaschitschun, 1. Final Gates, 1. Conquistadores, 1. Calico Jack, 1. Riding the Storm, 1. Evilution, 1. Bad to the Bone, 1. Tortuga Bay, 1. Blazon Stone, 1. Little Big Horn, 2. Over the Rainbow, 2. Genocide, 2. Whirlwind, 2. Fistful of Dynamite, 2. Soulless, 2. The Privateer, 2. Fight the Fire of Hate, 2. The Phantom of Black Hand Hill, 2. Lions of the Sea, 2. Death Or Groly