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Divine Gates, Part V, Chapter 1: The Road to the Light (2013年)
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登録されている13曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Belzebù, 1. Love Song, 1. Dying Inside, 2. When Water Became Ice, 3. A Star in the Universe, 3. Why Did You Kill the Princess?, 3. First Night, 3. Song for a Day, 3. Night of Pain, 4. The Guardian Angel, 5. Fear of the Moon, 5. The Princess' Day, 5. Sands of Time, 5. All Is Wrong, 6. Insanity Is the Truth, 6. Follow Your Dreams, 7. Tobe! Grendizer (Axe version), 7. Welcome, 8. Light, Part 1, 8. Light, Part 2 (intro), 8. Light, Part 2, 9. Light, Part 3, 9. Aitakatta, 10. Twilight, 10. Tobe! Grendizer (2013 version), ....