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Sail to Montreux (2003年)
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登録されている9曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. There There, 1. 2 + 2 = 5, 1. Morning Bell, 2. Talk Show Host, 2. Scatterbrain, 2. The National Anthem, 3. Backdrifts, 3. Sail to the Moon, 4. A Wolf at the Door, 4. No Surprises, 4. Sit Down, Stand Up, 4. Go to Sleep, 5. You and Whose Army?, 5. Where I End and You Begin, 5. Paranoid Android, 6. Idioteque, 6. Everything in Its Right Place, 7. The Gloaming, 7. Myxomatosis, 7. Just, 7. How to Disappear Completely, 8. My Iron Lung, 8. Street Spirit (Fade Out), 8. There There, 8. 2 + 2 = 5, 8. Lucky, 8. Talk Show Host, 8. Scatterbrain, 8. The National Anthem, 8. Backdrifts, 8. Sail to the Moon, 9. Kid A