
00年代 | 10年代 | 70年代 | 80年代 | 90年代 | J | ツインリード | ドラマティック | ブリテン | メロディック | 叙情/哀愁 | 正統派 | 有名バンド
Metalogy (2004年)
1-1. Never Satisfied (0)
1-2. Deceiver (0)
1-3. Tyrant (0)
1-4. Victim of Changes (live) (0)
1-5. Diamonds and Rust (live) (0)
1-6. Starbreaker (live) (0)
1-7. Sinner (0)
1-8. Let Us Prey (0)
1-9. Dissident Aggressor (0)
1-10. Exciter (0)
1-11. Beyond the Realms of Death (0)
1-12. Better by You, Better Than Me (0)
1-13. Invader (0)
1-14. Stained Class (0)
1-15. The Green Manalishi (With the Two-Pronged Crown) (live) (0)
2-1. Killing Machine (0)
2-2. Evening Star (0)
2-3. Take on the World (0)
2-4. Delivering the Goods (0)
2-5. Evil Fantasies (0)
2-6. Hell Bent for Leather (0)
2-7. Breaking the Law (live) (0)
2-8. Living After Midnight (0)
2-9. Rapid Fire (0)
2-10. Metal Gods (0)
2-11. Grinder (live) (0)
2-12. The Rage (0)
2-13. Heading Out to the Highway (0)
2-14. Hot Rockin' (live) (0)
2-15. Troubleshooter (0)
2-16. Solar Angels (0)
2-17. Desert Plains (0)
2-18. The Hellion / Electric Eye (live) (0)
2-19. Screaming for Vengeance (0)
3-1. Riding on the Wind (0)
3-2. Bloodstone (0)
3-3. You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’ (0)
3-4. Devil's Child (0)
3-5. Freewheel Burning (0)
3-6. Jawbreaker (0)
3-7. The Sentinel (0)
3-8. Love Bites (live) (0)
3-9. Eat Me Alive (0)
3-10. Some Heads Are Gonna Roll (0)
3-11. Rock Hard Ride Free (0)
3-12. Night Comes Down (0)
3-13. Turbo Lover (0)
3-14. Private Property (0)
3-15. Parental Guidance (0)
3-16. Out in the Cold (0)
3-17. Heart of a Lion (demo) (0)
4-1. Ram It Down (0)
4-2. Heavy Metal (0)
4-3. Come and Get It (0)
4-4. Blood Red Skies (0)
4-5. Painkiller (0)
4-6. Between the Hammer & the Anvil (0)
4-7. A Touch of Evil (0)
4-8. Metal Meltdown (0)
4-9. Night Crawler (0)
4-10. All Guns Blazing (0)
4-11. Jugulator (0)
4-12. Blood Stained (0)
4-13. Machine Man (0)
4-14. Feed on Me (0)
5-1. The Hellion / Electric Eye (0)
5-2. Riding on the Wind (0)
5-3. Heading Out to the Highway (0)
5-4. Metal Gods (0)
5-5. Bloodstone (0)
5-6. Breaking the Law (0)
5-7. Sinner (0)
5-8. Desert Plains (0)
5-9. The Ripper (0)
5-10. Diamonds and Rust (0)
5-11. Devil's Child (0)
5-12. Screaming for Vengeance (0)
5-13. You've Got Another Thing Comin' (0)
5-14. Victim of Changes (0)
5-15. Living After Midnight (0)
5-16. The Green Manalishi (with the Two-Pronged Crown) (0)
5-17. Hell Bent for Leather (0)


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登録されている8曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Never Satisfied, 1. Deceiver, 1. Tyrant, 1. Victim of Changes (live), 1. Diamonds and Rust (live), 1. Starbreaker (live), 1. Sinner, 1. Let Us Prey, 1. Dissident Aggressor, 1. Exciter, 1. Beyond the Realms of Death, 1. Better by You, Better Than Me, 1. Invader, 2. Stained Class, 2. The Green Manalishi (With the Two-Pronged Crown) (live), 3. Killing Machine, 3. Evening Star, 3. Take on the World, 3. Delivering the Goods, 3. Evil Fantasies, 3. Hell Bent for Leather, 3. Breaking the Law (live), 3. Living After Midnight, 3. Rapid Fire, 3. Metal Gods, 3. Grinder (live), 3. The Rage, 3. Heading Out to the Highway, 3. Hot Rockin' (live), 4. Troubleshooter, 4. Solar Angels, 4. Desert Plains, 4. The Hellion / Electric Eye (live), 4. Screaming for Vengeance, 4. Riding on the Wind, 4. Bloodstone, 4. You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’, 4. Devil's Child, 4. Freewheel Burning, 4. Jawbreaker, 4. The Sentinel, 5. Love Bites (live), 5. Eat Me Alive, 5. Some Heads Are Gonna Roll, 5. Rock Hard Ride Free, 5. Night Comes Down, 5. Turbo Lover, 5. Private Property, 5. Parental Guidance, 5. Out in the Cold, 6. Heart of a Lion (demo), 6. Ram It Down, 6. Heavy Metal, 6. Come and Get It, 6. Blood Red Skies, 6. Painkiller, 6. Between the Hammer & the Anvil, 6. A Touch of Evil, 6. Metal Meltdown, 6. Night Crawler, 6. All Guns Blazing, 7. Jugulator, 7. Blood Stained, 7. Machine Man, 7. Feed on Me, 7. The Hellion / Electric Eye, 7. Riding on the Wind, 7. Heading Out to the Highway, 7. Metal Gods, 7. Bloodstone, 7. Breaking the Law, 7. Sinner, 7. Desert Plains, 7. The Ripper, 7. Diamonds and Rust, 7. Devil's Child, 7. Screaming for Vengeance, 8. You've Got Another Thing Comin', 8. Victim of Changes, 8. Living After Midnight, 8. The Green Manalishi (with the Two-Pronged Crown), 8. Hell Bent for Leather


Recent 20 Comments

1. C3 ★★ (2004-05-16 22:50:00)
結成30周年記念完全生産限定BOXセット(CD4枚組 DVD)。
デビュー作「ROCKA ROLLA」から最新作「DEMOLITION」までのヒット曲、代表曲全65曲収録。Disc1から古い順に入っているのでわかり易く、音楽性の変化を楽しむことが出来ます。Disc4ではロブに続きRipperのヴォーカルが・・・。一枚のCDの中で2人の共演、“共演"と言うのも変ですが、何かグッと来るものがあり感無量です。
ボーナスのDVDは'82年アメリカ、メンフィスでの「SCREAMING FOR VENGEANCE」ツアーのライブを収録。'84年発表のビデオ「JUDAS PRIE

2. ギターの国から2002.遺言 ★★ (2004-08-23 20:52:00)
そんなに多くはないですがB面曲の初CD化音源も入っているし、もちろん彼らの名曲はほぼ完璧におさえています。「ほぼ」と言ったのは「The Ripper」や個人的に好きな「Reckless」も収録してもよかったと思ったからです。まあ、そんなことはどうでもいい!!!。


3. ライキチ ★★ (2006-01-07 23:19:00)


4. HADANO'S HATE CREW Part 2 ★★ (2006-01-08 00:12:00)

5. 名無し ★★★ (2018-09-30 05:40:12)





