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It Comes Alive: Maid in Switzerland (2012年)
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登録されている6曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Pandemonium, 1. I.N.V.U, 1. Hell On High Heels, 1. Wake Up To The Real World, 2. Destination Paradise, 2. Another Shot Of Your Love, 2. Scream, 2. Walk Away, 2. It Comes At Night, 2. Queen Of Dreams, 2. Savage Heart, 2. Clay, 3. Yellow Rain, 3. Rock The House, 3. Back To Back, 4. Rodeo, 5. Lovegames, 5. Future World, 5. Little Drops Of Heaven, 5. Please Don't Leave Me, 6. Red Hot And Heavy, 6. Nightmare In The Neighborhood (Bonus Track)